Online ISSN: 2187-2988 Print ISSN: 0911-1794
特定非営利活動法人日本小児循環器学会 Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 39(3): 153-160 (2023)


小児期大動脈弁手術選択肢としてのOZAKI法Pediatric Aortic Valve Surgery: The OZAKI Procedure as a Surgical Option

あいち小児保健医療総合センター 小児心臓病センター心臓血管外科Aichi Children’s Health and Medical Center, Kids’ Heart Center, the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery ◇ Aichi, Japan

発行日:2023年12月1日Published: December 1, 2023


Various techniques for treating aortic valve disease have been proposed and implemented for cardiac surgery. However, existing methods have certain limitations; therefore, we are always looking for new alternatives. Choosing the best possible technique is important, particularly in children, and the balance of the risks and benefits of the various options for aortic valve surgery remains an issue. The OZAKI procedure involves reconstructing the aortic valve with three separate pieces of autologous pericardium using specialized instruments and standardized techniques to ensure the reconstruction of a reproducible aortic valve. This procedure involves the independent reconstruction of each aortic valve leaflet and aims to reproduce the natural dynamics of the valve leaflets. Notably, aortic valve disease affects children throughout their lives; thus, long-term treatment strategies must be developed. This study shows that the OZAKI procedure is worth considering an option for growing children.

Key words: OZAKI procedure; neocuspidization; aortic valve repair; pediatric; congenital heart disease

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