Online ISSN: 2187-2988 Print ISSN: 0911-1794
特定非営利活動法人日本小児循環器学会 Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 40(3): 186-192 (2024)


4D flow MRIと外科手術戦略Four-Dimensional Flow Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Surgical Design, and Treatment Strategy for Congenital Heart Disease

1名古屋市立大学 心臓血管外科Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Nagoya City University, Graduate School of Medical Sciences ◇ Aichi, Japan

2株式会社Cardio Flow DesignCardio Flow Design Inc. ◇ Tokyo, Japan

発行日:2024年8月1日Published: August 1, 2024

心臓MRIはfull volumeで心臓の拍動を3次元的に追跡が可能であり,特に位相コントラスト法での血流計測は複雑な解剖においても心血管内腔の血流を計測可能である.心電同期シネ位相コントラスト法3方向をfull volumeで適用した4D flow MRIでは血行動態と心機能を同時に評価できる.特に超音波カラードプラの到達しにくい大血管や右心系では大きな力を発揮する.先天性心疾患の外科手術においては,左右心室機能および駆出率,体肺循環血行動態について心血管内腔での異常加速血流の部位や程度,血管分枝流量,弁逆流量を3次元的に定量評価することで,どこの部位にどう介入するべきかを明確にできることが4D flow MRIの利点の一つである.血流解析にはシミュレーションによる可視化方法もあり,コンピュータ・グラフィックスと重ね合わせることにより手術設計支援が可能である,これは術後血行動態を予測できるが,実計測に基づく4D flow MRIとの照合が有益となる.

Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a three-dimensional modality for evaluating the beating heart, not only by anatomy but also by blood flow dynamics even in the complex cardiovascular system of congenital heart disease. Four-dimensional (4D) flow MRI is particularly useful for assessing cardiac anatomy and function by three directional ECG-gated cine phase contrast at the same time. The advantages of 4D flow MRI are free and systematic access to all intracardiac and extracardiac lesions, which are often difficult to visualize by echocardiography. The most important feature of 4D flow MRI is the quantitative assessment of blood flow, including shunt flow ratio and valve regurgitation volume. In cardiac surgery for congenital heart disease, a recent advance in 4D flow MRI is computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation combined with computational graphics. This CFD simulation can help prospective surgical design and treatment strategy as well as predict perioperative management and postoperative hemodynamics.

Key words: congenital heart surgery; blood flow imaging; 4D flow MRI; computational fluid dynamics simulation; extra-anatomical reconstruction

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