Online ISSN: 2187-2988 Print ISSN: 0911-1794
特定非営利活動法人日本小児循環器学会 Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 35(1): 18-26 (2019)


成人先天性心疾患患者の就業状況とその背景要因Employment Status and Contributing Factors for Adults with Congenital Heart Disease

1東洋大学Toyo University ◇ Tokyo, Japan

2千葉県循環器病センターChiba Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center ◇ Chiba, Japan

3東京情報大学Tokyo University of Information Sciences ◇ Chiba, Japan

受付日:2018年8月14日Received: August 14, 2018
受理日:2018年11月16日Accepted: November 16, 2018
発行日:2019年3月1日Published: March 1, 2019


方法:先天性心疾患患者193名(平均年齢:男33.62歳・女32.69歳,男性89名:学生は除く)に,就業状況,社会的属性(婚姻状態,教育歴),疾患状況(疾患名,疾患重症度,手術回数など),就業支障評価,生活の質(QOL: Linear Analog Scale for quality of life),生活満足度(SWLS: Satisfaction with Life Scale)を問う質問紙調査を実施した.

結果:国勢調査による同世代の成人と比較して,男女とも未就業(男13名:14.6%,女13名:12.5%)が有意に多く(p<0.01),さらに男性は常勤就業者が有意に少なかった(p<0.01).また未就業患者で「(疾患のため)仕事ができない」と回答したのは男女1名ずつで,多くの患者は就業可能と考えていた.未就業患者はQOL, SWLSともに有意に低く,未就業の背景要因としては,男性は年齢が若いこと,女性は疾患が重いことであった(それぞれp<0.05).


Background: Working is one of the important concerns in transitional care for adults with congenital heart disease (ACHD) because, apart from offering them financial autonomy, it also connects them with the society. Hence, this study aimed to explore the employment status of ACHD by sex and the factors influencing the employment status.

Methods: In this study, 193 Japanese ACHD patients (mean age: male 33.62 years/female 32.69 years, 89 males, no students included) completed the patients’ characteristics form, including the employment status and the degree of impact on their ability to work due to heart disease and also completed the quality of life (QOL) form, comprising the Linear Analog Scale and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS).

Results: In the study group, 13 (14.6%) of 89 male patients and 13 (12.5%) of 104 female patients did not have a job. These rates were higher than the national standard values in Japan (male, 5.0%; female, 2.9%). Among those patients, only one male and one female stated their illness as a reason for their unemployment. The main factor of males’ unemployment was young age, whereas for females, it was related to their disease complexity. Unemployed patients showed significantly lower scores in QOL and the SWLS.

Conclusion: Although most ACHD patients can join the workforce, a higher percentage of ACHD patients do not work and find it challenging to have a career than regular people. Therefore, as unemployed patients have a low QOL and SWLS, it is clear that work is crucial for them to have a mentally and emotionally stable and fulfilling life.

Key words: adult congenital heart disease; employment status; quality of life; transitional care

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