Online ISSN: 2187-2988 Print ISSN: 0911-1794
特定非営利活動法人日本小児循環器学会 Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 34(3): 88-98 (2018)


ここまで知っておきたい発生学発生・形態形成の基礎知識Basic and Comprehensive Outlines of Cardiovascular Embryology and Morphogenesis

1国立循環器病研究センター教育推進部Department of Education and Research Promotion, Research and Development Initiative Center, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center ◇ Osaka, Japan

2国立循環器病研究センター小児循環器科Division of Pediatric Cardiology, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center ◇ Osaka, Japan

発行日:2018年9月1日Published: September 1, 2018


Congenital heart disease is a multifactorial inheritance disorder that is induced by genetic and environmental factors during morphogenesis of the cardiovascular system in the embryos. Cardiac embryology plays an important role in reaching a definitive diagnosis, understanding the pathophysiology of disease, selecting the most appropriate medical/surgical treatment, and predicting complications and prognosis. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the processes involved in cardiac embryology is essential for pediatric cardiologists and cardiac surgeons. In this review, cardiac embryology and cardiovascular morphogenesis are discussed to assist physicians in understanding the etiological mechanisms of congenital heart disease. The molecular and cellular mechanisms of congenital heart disease using genetically engineered mice are available in any expertized textbooks and journals. Thus, in this review, basic and comprehensive outlines of cardiac embryology and morphogenesis are presented using illustrations.

Key words: cardiovascular morphogenesis; congenital heart disease; cardiac embryology

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