Online ISSN: 2187-2988 Print ISSN: 0911-1794
特定非営利活動法人日本小児循環器学会 Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 34(2): 77-83 (2018)

症例報告Case Report

FBN1遺伝子第29番エクソンのスプライシング異常による早期発症型Marfan症候群の一例Early-onset Marfan Syndrome Caused by a Splicing Mutation of FBN1 Exon 29: A Case Report

1東京大学医学部附属病院小児科Department of Pediatrics, The University of Tokyo ◇ Tokyo, Japan

2東京大学医学部附属病院循環器内科Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, The University of Tokyo ◇ Tokyo, Japan

3東京大学医学部附属病院整形外科Department of Orthopedic Surgery, The University of Tokyo ◇ Tokyo, Japan

受付日:2017年11月29日Received: November 29, 2017
受理日:2018年2月14日Accepted: February 14, 2018
発行日:2018年3月1日Published: March 1, 2018

FBN1遺伝子の第24–32番エクソンの変異は重症かつ早期発症型のMarfan症候群を呈することが多いことが知られている.症例は4歳男児.新生児期より蜘蛛状指,大動脈弁輪拡張症(AAE),大動脈弁逆流症(AR)を呈し,4歳時にAAEの著明な進行とARに伴う心不全を認めたため当院Marfan外来に紹介され,4歳7か月時にDavid手術を施行された.遺伝学的検査でFBN1遺伝子にde novoの既報変異[IVS29+1G>A]を認め,転写産物の解析により本変異がスプライシングの異常によるin-flameの第29番エクソンの欠失を来すことを同定した.近年,Marfan症候群の発症メカニズムはdominant negative effectとhaploinsuffciencyの二つに大別して論ぜられているが,スプライシング異常に伴う変異の場合はそのどちらの形式もとりうるため,遺伝子産物の質的・量的な評価が必要となる.本症例では,FBN1遺伝子の第29番エクソンという変異の「位置」のみならず,スプライシング異常という変異の「形式」もまた,その大動脈病変の重症度に大きく寄与したと考えられた.

FBN1 mutations causing severe and early-onset Marfan syndrome (MFS) cluster in exons 24–32. Here, we report the case of a male patient with early-onset MFS who was born with arachnodactyly, annuloaortic ectasia (AAE), and aortic regurgitation (AR). At 4 years of age, he presented with progressive AAE and severe AR and was referred to our hospital. He immediately underwent David procedure. The DNA sequencing of FBN1 identified a previously reported de novo mutation in the splicing donor site of intron 29 [IVS29+1G>A], and transcript analyses revealed that this mutation had mediated an in-frame skipping of exon 29. Currently, the pathogenic mechanisms underlying MFS are classified as dominant-negative effect or haploinsufficiency of FBN1. However, splicing mutations can be associated with both mechanisms and require qualitative and quantitative analyses of the gene products. The severe aortic phenotype in our case appeared to be affected by the “location” (FBN1 exon 29) and the “type” of mutation (splicing mutation).

Key words: Marfan syndrome; FBN1 gene; annuloaortic ectasia; neonatal region; exon skipping mutation

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