Online ISSN: 2187-2988 Print ISSN: 0911-1794
特定非営利活動法人日本小児循環器学会 Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 37(4): 277-282 (2021)


内臓心房錯位症候群に伴う機能的単心室に対する外科治療共通房室弁形成Surgery for Functional Single Ventricle Associated with Heterotaxy Syndrome: Common Atrioventricular Valve Repair

国立循環器病研究センター小児心臓外科National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center ◇ Osaka, Japan

発行日:2021年12月1日Published: December 1, 2021

内臓心房錯位症候群に伴う機能的単心室における共通房室弁逆流は,フォンタン到達と遠隔生存のため,肺静脈狭窄と共に克服すべき課題である.共通房室弁形成は主として両共通尖のedge to edge縫合とあるいはbridging stripを用いた2弁口化に,裂隙閉鎖や交連形成,部分弁輪縫縮を組み合わせて行われる.弁置換はやむなく選択される場合があるが,その治療効果に関しては議論の余地がある.治療的/予防的弁形成共に両方向性グレン手術との同時手術として行われる傾向にある.弁形成の成績は診断技術の進歩と相まってここ10年で向上しているが,両方向性グレン以前に介入を要する逆流に対する治療成績は未だ不良である.成長力のある小口径人工弁の開発,移植医療の普及とともに,更なる形成技術の向上が望まれている.

Common atrioventricular valve regurgitation in functional single ventricle associated with heterotaxy syndrome and pulmonary venous obstruction should be repaired to achieve Fontan operation and improve life prognosis. Common atrioventricular valve repair consists mainly of bivalvation with edge-to-edge suturing of both bridging leaflets and bridging strip, combined with cleft suture, commissuroplasty, or partial annuloplasty. Valve replacement was occasionally performed, but the therapeutic effect remains controversial. Valve repair is preferred to be performed therapeutically or prophylactically at the timing of bidirectional Glenn. During the past decade, outcomes have improved along with the development of diagnostic technologies. However, the outcomes of valve repair before bidirectional Glenn are still dismal. Thus, the development of a small-caliber tissue-engineered heart valve with growth potential, increasing heart or heart/lung transplantation, and further improvement of repair technique per se are required.

Key words: heterotaxy; common atrioventricular valve; surgery

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