胎児期または出生直後に心疾患を診断された家族へのカウンセリングCounseling for Families of Children Diagnosed with Congenital Heart Disease Prenatally or Immediately after Birth
福山市民病院小児科Department of Pediatrics, Fukuyama City Hospital ◇ Hiroshima, Japan
近年,胎児心エコー検査の進歩と増加に伴い,本邦においても胎児期に多くの先天性心疾患が診断されるようになった.その一方で,出生直後に初めて診断される場合も依然,少なくない.今回,児の診断を受けた家族に対する「カウンセリング」について,それぞれの場合について説明する.1. 胎児診断の場合:家族の不安そして,診断が変わりうる不確定な要素にも注意が必要である.それらを理解したうえで行うカウンセリングの目的や実際,内容,家族支援について概説した.2. 出生直後の場合:胎児診断の場合と異なり,生後突然の診断かつ診断(児に心疾患があること)が確定している状況である.胎児診断と異なる部分について概説した.胎児期および出生後いずれの診断においても,小児循環器医は,心疾患の正確な診断ばかりでなく,家族に対して「カウンセリング」することも必要である.また,カウンセリングを自ら行い,チームを主導する立場にあるという自覚も重要である.
Many congenital heart diseases are now diagnosed prenatally in Japan, thanks to advances in fetal echocardiography. However, there are still many cases where the diagnosis is made shortly after birth. This report describes counseling for parents whose children have been diagnosed with congenital heart disease. First, the purpose, practice, content, and family support of counseling for prenatal diagnosis are described. The anxiety of the expecting parents and uncertainty of the diagnosis should be carefully considered during counseling. Second, counseling for a diagnosis that is described immediately after birth can come as a surprise to the new parents, but it is possible to make a definitive diagnosis. The two scenarios are discussed. Pediatric cardiologists must have not only the clinical skills necessary to accurately diagnose heart disease but also the counseling skills necessary to provide support to the child’s parents for both prenatal and postnatal diagnoses. It is also important for pediatric cardiologists to understand their roles as counselors and team leaders.
Key words: counseling; congenital heart disease; fetal heart disease; parental counseling; prenatal diagnosis
© 2022 特定非営利活動法人日本小児循環器学会© 2022 Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
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