Online ISSN: 2187-2988 Print ISSN: 0911-1794
特定非営利活動法人日本小児循環器学会 Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 37(3): 233-238 (2021)

症例報告Case Report

集学的治療により救命できた複数の心外疾患を合併するCat eye syndrome,総肺静脈還流異常症の極低出生体重児(1,452 g)の1例Multidisciplinary Management of a Very Low-Birth-Weight Neonate with Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection and Extracardiac Multiple Anomalies

1岐阜県総合医療センター小児心臓外科Department of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center ◇ Gifu, Japan

2岐阜県総合医療センター小児循環器内科Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center ◇ Gifu, Japan

3岐阜県総合医療センター麻酔科Department of Anesthesiology, Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center ◇ Gifu, Japan

4岐阜県総合医療センター小児外科Department of Pediatric Surgery, Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center ◇ Gifu, Japan

受付日:2021年2月20日Received: February 20, 2021
受理日:2021年5月3日Accepted: May 3, 2021
発行日:2021年11月1日Published: November 1, 2021

症例は生後1日の男児.在胎35週6日胎児発育停止のため緊急帝王切開にて出生.出生時体重は1,452 g.総肺静脈還流異常症(Ib型)と高位鎖肛等の心外疾患を認め,緊急搬送.術前精査で左腎無形成と右多嚢胞性異形成腎を認めた.他の診療科と治療計画を立案し,生後1日目に肺静脈閉塞を伴う総肺静脈還流異常症に対し修復手術を行った.術直後から浮腫改善のため,腹膜透析を施行.術後空気嚥下を抑制し腸管拡張を予防するため,深鎮静下で管理した.術後12日目に人工肛門造設術を行い,術後19日目に抜管した.染色体検査でCat eye syndromeと診断した.生後8か月時の心臓カテーテル検査で肺動脈性肺高血圧症と診断し,在宅酸素療法と肺高血圧治療薬を開始した.1歳時に鎖肛根治手術を施行.術後5年経過した現在も,腎機能は維持され経過良好である.他の診療科と綿密に治療計画を立てることで重度先天性心疾患と複数の心外疾患を伴う極低出生体重児を救命することができた.

A very low-birth-weight neonate was referred to our hospital because of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC) and extracardiac multiple anomalies, including high imperforate anus. The TAPVC was classified as type Ib, and a diagnosis of pulmonary venous obstruction was made. Furthermore, left unilateral renal agenesis and right multicystic dysplastic kidney were found. We discussed the treatment strategy with physicians from other departments. TAPVC was urgently corrected using a sutureless surgical technique on day 1 of life. During the management of the imperforate anus, the patient was deeply sedated to avoid aerophagia. Peritoneal dialysis was used to improve the edema postoperatively. Colostomy was performed on postoperative day 12. The patient was extubated on postoperative day 19. Later, the patient was diagnosed with cat eye syndrome by chromosome analysis. Cardiac catheterization at 8 months of age revealed pulmonary hypertension. Moreover, home oxygenation therapy and medications such as bosentan hydrate and tadalafil were administered. Consequently, the imperforate anus was radically corrected at 1 year of age. At 5 years of age, the patient is doing well with good renal function. This paper reports the operation and management of a very low-birth-weight neonate with critical congenital heart disease and extracardiac multiple anomalies.

Key words: total anomalous pulmonary venous connection; extracardiac multiple anomalies; imperforate anus; very low-birth-weight neonate; cat eye syndrome

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