Online ISSN: 2187-2988 Print ISSN: 0911-1794
特定非営利活動法人日本小児循環器学会 Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 36(4): 294-305 (2020)


動脈管依存性肺循環の先天性心疾患に対する動脈管ステントの現状Current Status of Ductal-Stenting as the First-Stage Palliative Strategy for Congenital Heart Disease with Duct-Dependent Pulmonary Circulation

静岡県立こども病院循環器科Department of Cardiology, Shizuoka Children’s Hospital ◇ Shizuoka, Japan

受付日:2020年3月13日Received: March 13, 2020
受理日:2020年7月7日Accepted: July 7, 2020
発行日:2020年12月1日Published: December 1, 2020

背景:動脈管依存性肺循環の先天性心疾患(congenital heart disease with duct-dependent pulmonary circulation: CHD-DPC)に対する初回の姑息的治療は,Blalock-Taussig短絡術(Blalock-Taussig shunt: BTS)が主流であり,動脈管ステント留置術(ductal-stenting: DS)はまだ少数ではあるが,周術期のリスクが高い症例に対しては有効な治療法であると考えられる.




Background: The Blalock-Taussig shunt (BTS) is the standard first-stage surgical palliative treatment for congenital heart disease with duct-dependent pulmonary circulation (CHD-DPC). Although ductal-stenting (DS) is rarely performed, it is feasible and safe for patients with a high perioperative risk.

Method: We retrospectively investigated four patients who underwent DS for CHD-DPC at our hospital. The data of patients who underwent DS and BTS (n=76) for CHD-DPC were analyzed. Then, an intergroup comparison of perioperative complications and mortality rates was performed.

Results: All patients successfully underwent DS. After DS, two patients required medical treatment for heart failure secondary to increased pulmonary perfusion. After 1 month, re-in-stenting was performed due to in-stent restenosis. One patient developed total occlusion at the approach site of the right femoral artery (FA). Therefore, balloon-expandable stents were deployed into the FA. With regard to prognosis, one patient underwent the bidirectional Glenn procedure and was waiting to undergo the Fontan procedure. Moreover, two patients underwent the Rastelli procedure. One patient with trisomy 18 was discharged. The perioperative complication and mortality rates were higher in patients who underwent BTS with extra-cardiac anomaly or chromosomal abnormalities than in those who underwent DS.

Conclusion: DS is an effective first-stage palliative strategy for patients with a high perioperative risk. Moreover, DS can be further improved by optimizing the stent size and approach site.

Key words: congenital heart disease; patent ductus arteriosus; duct-dependent pulmonary circulation; ductal-stenting; shunt

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