Online ISSN: 2187-2988 Print ISSN: 0911-1794
特定非営利活動法人日本小児循環器学会 Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 32(1): 38-42 (2016)


特異な左室内隔壁を伴う左室二腔症2歳児に対する手術経験Double-chambered Left Ventricle Associated with an Unusual Interventricular Wall: A Case Report

1埼玉県立小児医療センター心臓血管外科Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Saitama Children’s Medical Center, Saitama, Japan

2埼玉県立小児医療センター循環器科Department of Cardiology, Saitama Children’s Medical Center, Saitama, Japan

受付日:2015年8月6日Received: August 6, 2015
受理日:2015年10月13日Accepted: October 13, 2015
発行日:2016年1月1日Published: January 1, 2016


We report a very unusual case of a double-chambered left ventricle. A muscular partition, in the left ventricle, associated with a double-chambered left ventricle, was discovered in a boy aged 14 months. No cardiac structural abnormality had been detected previously. At the age of two years, and weight of 11 kg, he was admitted to our medical center because of a systemic convulsion. Further diagnosis was made, considering brain infarction because of a left ventricular thrombus. Preoperative echocardiography showed severely depressed function of the apical chamber of the left ventricle with an embedded thrombus. The patient required an urgent thrombectomy concomitant with partial resection of the muscular partition wall between the apical and outlet chambers. Complete resection of the partition would have led to mitral valve dysfunction because of its continuity with the mitral papillary muscle. Postoperatively, the patient has been doing well with neither thrombus formation nor cardiac dysfunction.

Key words: double-chambered left ventricle; partition; mitral valve; papillary muscle; thrombus

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