Online ISSN: 2187-2988 Print ISSN: 0911-1794
特定非営利活動法人日本小児循環器学会 Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 32(3): 199-207 (2016)


小児先天性疾患に対する外科治療での貢献をめざす生体内組織形成術(IBTA):成長性を有する再生型自己組織体の開発Feasibility of In-body Tissue Architecture (IBTA) in Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery: Development of Regenerative Autologous Tissues with Growth Potential

国立循環器病研究センター研究所医工学材料研究室Division of Medical Engineering and Materials, 
National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center Research Institute ◇ Osaka, Japan

受付日:2015年12月29日Received: December 29, 2015
受理日:2016年5月6日Accepted: May 6, 2016
発行日:2016年5月1日Published: May 1, 2016


In-body tissue architecture (IBTA), based on an encapsulation reaction, can produce autologous implantable tissues with desired shape, thickness, and robustness by simply embedding designed molds into subcutaneous pouches for 2 months. Tubular vascular grafts (biotubes), sheet-like patches (biosheets), or valved conduits (biovalves) have been developed for cardiovascular implants. Upon implantation, vascular, myocardial, or valvular tissues were regenerated within several months with high reliability. IBTA first demonstrated evidence of growth potential of biotubes when implanted using a beagle juvenile model. In this review article, we provide an overview of our recent IBTA-based work for pediatric cardiovascular surgery.

Key words: regenerative medicine; tissue engineering; vascular graft; artificial valve; patch membrane

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